Supercharge your

studying with AI

Generate notes, flashcards, quizzes, and more.

Join 2,500+ students

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Trusted by students at

  • harvard
  • stanford
  • umich
  • asu
  • penn
  • nyu


Powerful tools for

every student

AI-powered notes

AI-powered notes

Get the gist and key details of any document. Understand important concepts, with access to the document

Your AI knowledge companion

Your AI knowledge companion

Powered by an advanced model trained on millions of documents, Albert is ready to answer any question.

AI-generated flashcards

AI-generated flashcards

An easy way to review content and build your understanding

AI-powered active recall

AI-powered active recall

Quiz yourself on content and use AI to identify and target weak areas.

Advanced performance tracking

Advanced performance tracking

An easy way to review content and build your understanding

Hyperpersonalization and reptition

Hyperpersonalization and reptition

Improve your weaknesses and train your knowledge based on thousands of questions


Built by students,

for students

Upload any kind of Document

You can upload .pdf, .txt, .mp3, .wav, and more to Opal quickly and efficiently

Create folders

Sort documents based on different classes, assignments, or categories of your choosing

Semantic search

Easily navigate through documents and folders with built-in semantic search

Usage tracking

Track document statistics monthly and across all time periods to stay up to date

Multilingual support

Import and study documents in English, Spanish, German, French, Chinese and more

Bank-level security

Your documents are stored securely and are never shared with 3rd parties


The next-gen study

tool for students

Upload content
Summarize and review
Learn and grow
Track progress


Frequently asked


Active recall is a study method where you actively try to remember information (like in practice assessments) instead of just reading it over. Studies show it can boost long-term memory and understanding; for example, students using active recall improved their test scores by up to 50% compared to those who only reviewed their notes

Opal is able to analyze audio recordings and files, YouTube videos, and any documents of your choice

Opal currently runs on OpenAI's GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 large language models.

OpenAI's secure API is used when your files re analyzed. All generated notes and information is held in our servers and cannot be accessed by anyone.

Feel free to contact the team at


Get started with Opal
