Magical Pricing

for all students

Powerful options for any kind of user. Cancel anytime.

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GPT 3.5
5 documents/mo
5 Albert questions/doc
5 assessment questions/doc
No specific assessment
No personalized active recall
75,000 Character Limit
No access to Locked and Beta Features
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Unlimited documents
Unlimited Albert questions
Unlimited assessment questions
Unlimited specific assessment
Ultra-personalized active recall
400,000 Character Limit
Access Locked and Beta Features

Trusted by students at

  • harvard
  • stanford
  • umich
  • asu
  • penn


Frequently asked


You can cancel your subscription at any time by going to Dashboard -> Settings -> Manage Billing.

if you've reached the limit of the free tier, you will need to upgrade to Opal+ or wait until the next month to be able to analyze more documents.

Our payment vendor accepts all forms of cards in addition to PayPal

All payment information is held securely through stripe.

Feel free to contact the team at


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